Dr. Helané Wahbeh

Science of Channeling

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During this interview, you will learn:

  • What IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) is and does.

  • What a neotic experience is.

  • What inspired Helané to write her book The Science of Channeling.

  • Some examples of channeling abilities and the difference between channeling and being psychic.

  • Scientific evidence for psychic phenomena.

  • Why there are taboos about channeling.

  • What research on consciousness has shown.

  • How you can find out your Noetic Signature

    and so much more …


Helané Wahbeh is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University, and President of the Parapsychological Association. Dr. Wahbeh is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician and research trained with a Master of Clinical Research and two post-doctoral research fellowships. She has published on and spoken internationally about her studies on complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, extended human capacities, stress, posttraumatic stress disorder and their relationships to physiology, health, and healing. Dr. Wahbeh is especially known for her research around — and noetic approach to — channeling

Website: Institute of Noetic Sciences: www.noetic.org


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