Dr. Lucy Draper-Clarke

Compassionate Activism - Transforming the World from Within

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • How Lucy links mindfulness and compassion with the world of activism.

  • In what ways can we look after ourselves while caring for others.

  • How her 30 years of living in Africa has inspired her work.

  • What inspired Lucy to write her new book The Compassionate Activist.

  • Practices that can best support us in finding inner freedom and serve those around us.

  • Lucy will guide us on a beautiful Tonglen (compassion) Practice.

  • How you can work & connect with Lucy

and so much more …


Dr Lucy Draper-Clarke is the author of 'The Compassionate Activist'. As an author, educator, retreat facilitator and researcher, with a PhD in Mindfulness and Teacher Education, she leads courses in mindfulness and compassion and runs retreats throughout Southern Africa. In her role as Research Associate at the University of the Witwatersrand, with Drama for Life, Lucy supervises postgraduate students. Her current focus on Compassionate Activism for a life-sustaining society aims to offer change makers the skills they need to alleviate burnout, increase resilience, and cultivate wise, compassionate action. She has taken refuge in the Karma Kagyu School of Buddhism and the Engaged Buddhism tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. By attending regular retreats to deepen her own meditation practice, she is learning how ancient wisdom traditions can offer support as we address the many crises of modern life.

Website: www.lucydraperclarke.com


 Lucy’s Free Gift

A preview copy of Lucy’s book: The Compassionate Activist