Dr. Tayria Ward

Understanding the Nature of Thought

Tayria’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • Tayria will share wisdom from her study and practice of theories articulated by physicist David Bohm.

  • Why these ideas are crucial to health and freedom for all of us individually and collectively.

  • How this subject intersects with her work with dreams and dream analysis.

  • Suggestions for how we can further explore these ideas.

  • How you can work & connect with Tayria.

  • Tayria will guide us on a potent & beautiful image meditation.

    and so much more …


Tayria Ward, Ph.D., lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological and spiritual guidance to clients in person, by telephone, zoom or Skype. She has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for more than 45 years, and for nearly 30 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being. Tayria also conducts retreats and vision quests, teaches on-line courses, classes and lectures, and offers oracular readings upon request.

Website: www.tayriaward.com


 Tayria’s Free Gift

Meditation on Silent aspect of Self and World

This meditation by Tayria takes about 5-10 minutes