Dr. Undine Whande

Weaving for the Human Soul - Remembering Foundations for a Shared Future

Undine’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • Why we need to reconnect to the land/earth and the elements.

  • How the intention "becoming who I truly am" is linked to working with the ancestral realm.

  • Why Undine started working with transgenerational themes.

  • How constellations work serves to step out of the mind & release old patterns and persistent wounding.

  • The sources of wisdom that feed this work.

  • How the method originated and how a session is conducted.

  • A potent meditation-visualisation to connect with our ancestors across time.

  • How you can work & connect with Undine

    and so much more …


Dr. Undine Whande (PhD Social Anthropology) works as a systems and family constellations facilitator, kundalini yoga teacher and executive leadership coach in Cape Town. She accompanies individuals, teams and organisations that seek to evolve the potential for healing and development out of experiences of conflict and crisis.

In the 1990s Undine collaborated with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and was part of evolving the Healing of Memories initiative in South Africa. Her focus has been on transforming the effects of trauma on trans-generational relations, weaving fresh patterns between individual experience and transforming the social realm. She co-creates spaces for healing and re-connecting to new possibilities in face of diverging memories and experiences.

Undine was lead-facilitator of the first Nelson Mandela Dialogues on Memory Work in 2013, a process working on these questions with 26 leaders from 10 countries over 2 years in an inquiry how personal and social healing may meet. She will work with you to deepen the inquiry of how we engage our experiences of historical woundedness in ways that generate life.

Website: https://undine.co.za


 Undine’s Free Gift

A brief Meditation-Visualisation to Connect with the Ancestral Field across Time

A reflective conversation on how systems and family constellations can serve as a bridge between African indigenous realities and practices, and healing modalities evolved in the latter-day northern hemisphere.
Passcode: f&5Ms1Dh