Farcia De’Toles

Movement for Joy, Fitness and Healing

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • Farcia’s background and what inspires her Natural Rhythm Healing work.

  • Her approach to working with ‘any body’.

  • How African Healing Dance can help us move through stuckness.

  • The alchemy of bringing all of her background together in her offerings.

  • How Farcia constructs a session.

  • Farcia will guide us on a beautiful sample session

    and so much more …


Farcia De'Toles has coined the term Natural Rhythm Healing to describe her work. In its practice, Natural Rhythm Healing conscientiously embodies the breath through movement. Her aim is to make the joy of movement within one's body accessible to all people, moving past age, experience, health status and body type. She equips her clients with tools which empower them to continue the experience of her work in their daily lives. Through her work, Farcia celebrates and honors not only the body, but also the mind, soul and community which we exist in. Her objective is to not only shape and align the body but to help her clients find peace and harmony within. Healthy attitudes toward self become healthy interactions in community...natural rhythm.

A native of Liberia, West Africa, Farcia trained with Master dance artists from her home Liberia, as well as from Senegal, Mali, Guinea and the Congo. She has performed on main stages in the Bay Area and out of the State with major African Dance companies. She is a certified African Healing Dance Therapist, certified Black Belt Nia (Neuromuscular Integrative Action) instructor, certified massage therapist, and personal trainer, offering customized rehabilitative services. Farcia has combined her dance and movement training with the innate wisdom gained in her upbringing and is well qualified to deliver impactful healing to groups and individuals. The out- of- balance lifestyles and socio-political circumstances in many communities worldwide motivate Farcia to deliver the medicine of Farcia's Natural Rhythm Healing in order to normalize self love and appreciation and physical vibrancy in our human existence.

Website: http://www.naturalrhythmhealing.com


 Farcia’s Free Gift

‘Care For Self While Getting Fit For Living' - a free 1 hour video class (downloadable)