Itzhak Beery

Living your True Soul and Life Purpose

Itzhak’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • What soul and what life purpose is.

  • How you can discover your life purpose.

  • How palm readings can reveal your birth gifts and lifetime challenges.

  • The role trauma and adversity can play in achieving one’s life path.

  • Itzhak will guide us on a potent shamanic journey to discover your life purpose.

  • You’ll also experience Itzhak’s impromptu reading of Julia’s life purpose
    based on what came up for her on the journey – and Itzhak’s invitation to you to dive deeper with yours.

  • How you can work & connect with Itzhak

and so much more …


Itzhak Beery is an international leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestseller books. Born in an Israeli Kibbutz, he had a fine art career and owned an award-winning boutique Ad agency in New York City. A midlife crisis led to his shift from a skeptical atheist and business executive into a passionate believer, aligned with his life purpose. Since 1995, Itzhak has bridged the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous and Western teachers entrusted to him. He was initiated into the "Circle of 24 Yachaks of Imbabura" by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and Amazonian Kanamari Pajè in Brazil.

Itzhak is the founder of, The Andes Summit, and co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle; he is on the major global spiritual centers' faculties. Itzhak received the 'Ambassador for Peace Award from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.



 Itzhak’s Free Gift

Shamanic Self-Defense

Diagnostic and Protection Techniques to Remove Negative Energies for Better Health