Iya Affo

Breaking the Chains of Trauma; A Cultural and Neurological Perspective

Iya’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • What trauma and toxic stress are.

  • How trauma can impact future generations.

  • How historical trauma and racial trauma impacts behaviour.

  • How transgenerational trauma is inherited.

  • The critical role of neurobiology in managing trauma.

  • Iya will guide us on a beautiful Yoga Nidra journey

    and so much more …


Iya Affo is a Culturalist and Historical Trauma Specialist. She earned Western certification as a Trauma Specialist, and is a descendant of a long line of traditional healers from Benin Republic, West Africa. She is a Chief in the Village of Ouidah, and a High Priestess in the Yoruba tradition. Iya has visited more than thirty countries; living in Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Native American, and Yoruba communities. She is the founder of Heal Historical Trauma and the International Historical Trauma Association. Iya strives to transcend tolerance through cultivating love and respect in hopes of facilitating decolonization, re- culturing and the subsequent healing of people from all over the world.

Website: https://healhistoricaltrauma.com


 Iya’s Free Gift

A Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation

Link Coming Soon!