Julia Kyambi

Welcome to Finding Inner Freedom
& From Stuck to Moving

Julia’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • A warm welcome to Finding Inner Freedom 〜 Shifting Paradigms to Become Who You Truly Are

  • What inspired her to create this summit

  • A mini-presentation about two important questions to ask yourself if you are feeling stuck

  • Some things you can do to shift out of being or feeling stuck

  • A somatic and imaginary journey to shift & reconnect to innate universal wisdom

  • How you can connect & work with Julia



Julia Kyambi an intuitive somatic & transformational life coach who guides & supports people to shift out of what is holding them back inside from becoming who they truly are, from being stuck to moving, and shift beyond conditioned inner patterns and beliefs to connect with their deepest nature & create soul-aligned change in their lives.

Julia has German/Kenyan roots and spent different parts of her childhood in living both countries. Through her own life journey and various trainings, her work is informed by a deep understanding of inner child work, various movement practices, the need to nurture and heal our different parts, developmental & ancestral trauma and the need to release inherited emotional wounding and feelings that may have accompanied us all our lives but are actually not our own.

Her own life started to truly open up when she embraced her own intuitive abilities and connectedness to the earth & cosmos and all that is.

One of the core features of her work is deep listening: full, whole-being listening that tunes in deeply to what the client is bringing, including their larger information ‘field’ . During deep listening she often receives downloads that will help guide the work.

She is trained in somatic & mindfulness based psychotherapy (Hakomi, Moving Cycle, Somatic Trauma therapy), basic Pesso Therapy, spiritual life coaching and sound healing, and is currently immersing in Gestalt-based system constellations work after experiencing a major shift in her life facilitated by this method.

Her professional career started out in conventional medicine, a profession she gave up over 20 years ago to find her true life purpose. So she knows first hand what it means to leave behind an apparently ‘safe’ professional life to answer her soul’s call.

She believes that, in order to truly be ourselves and feel whole, we need to be embodied and grounded on this earth, and also nurture our being on multidimensional levels.

Website: www.juliakokikyambi.com

 Julia’s Free Gift


I am giving away 3 FREE 1:1 Deep Listening Calls!

This is for you if you are feeling stuck somewhere in your life and are looking for new insights & downloads for how to go about releasing what is holding you back and feel empowered to step into who you truly are from an embodied location.

Click on the button below to submit your application to win one of these sessions!
Please remember, if you do not win, you can always schedule a free 40-minute Connection Call with me from my website.