Mara Branscombe

Ritual As Soul Care: Ignite Joy, Freedom, and Purpose to Live Your Truth

Mara’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • What a ritual is and what soul care is.

  • Why it is useful to work with and acknowledge the elements.

  • How we can begin to observe the Solstices and Equinoxs as sacred turning points in the wheel of the year.

  • The benefits of honouring rhythms in nature and the moon’s cycle.

  • How to start on the path of Ritual as Soul Care, and Mara’s book Ritual as Remedy.

  • A moving meditation based on the 5 elements followed by a guided journey to ignite intuition and clear the energy channels in the body.

  • How you can work & connect with Mara

and so much more


Mara Branscombe is a mother, writer, yogi, artist, teacher, mindfulness leader, ceremonialist and spiritual coach. She is the author of “Ritual As Remedy: Embodied Practices For Soul Care.”  Mara is passionate about weaving the art of mindfulness, self-care, creativity, mind–body practices, and earth-based rituals into her life and work, and she has been leading community ceremony since 2000. 

An adventurous spirit, Mara has sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, trekked across the Himalayas, studied yoga in India, planted trees in Canada’s north, lived off the grid in a remote cabin in the woods, worked as a Waldorf (Steiner School) teacher, and then found her passion for dance and choreography. All the while yoga, meditation, mysticism and ritual have been at the heart of Mara’s journey. Her trainings in the Incan Shaman lineage and the Pagan tradition have greatly inspired her life’s work of earth-based, ceremonial, intentional, and heart-centered living and loving.

Mara currently lives in Vancouver, Canada with her husband and two daughters. 



 Mara’s Free Gift

A 15 minute meditation on Building the Frequency of Love in Mind and Body.