Masami Covey

Fasting: A Surprising Path of Self Discovery

Masami’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • What fasting does for your body.

  • What fasting does for your mind & spirit.

  • How fasting facilitates and increases your ability to be who you truly are.

  • How fasting can reset & change the trajectory of your story (and rewrite your soul contract).

  • What you can do if food fasting feels too daunting to start with.

  • How you can connect & work with Masami.

  • Masami will guide us on a breathwork journey to release and let go more

    and so much more …


Masami Covey, is a Health Intuitive, Functional Nutritional Therapist, and internationally recognized speaker. She reveals the root causes of imbalance using Intuitive insights, whole-person approach, and laser-pointed guidance. She translates our subtle “body language”, and provides practical daily tools, nutrient recommendations, breath-work, somatic movements, and more.

Masami was born and raised in Japan in a bi-cultural family, and she draws extensively from her blend of East-meets-West culture, language, and energy medicine, as well as years of professional training and experience in Functional Nutritional Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Positive Neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and applied linguistics. Masami also holds a Master of Science in International Business. She is a faculty member of The Shift Network and a frequent speaker on health and energy summits, podcasts, and programs.



 Masami’s Free Gift

Activate Your Innate Power Center and Step into Your Life

Our collective ecosystem has become out of balance, and therefore we are being asked to course correct internally and collectively shift our consciousness. But, this requires you to ignite and activate your own Power Center in your body, so you can digest and release outmoded patterns and beliefs, and direct your actions toward a higher purpose. If your body is chronically exhausted, burned out, and low on energy, you will become stuck in survival mode. To truly thrive in this ecosystem of rapid changes, you need to restore your body’s inner capacities and reach past your blockages to engage fully with the world.