Ralf Marzen

How Developmental Trauma Impacts Our Sense Of Identity

Ralf’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn:

  • What developmental trauma is and how it can express in somebody’s life.

  • Why we develop life strategies that are not conducive to our present day wellbeing.

  • How trauma from our very early years affects the viscera (organs) and nervous system and how this can affect your sense of self.

  • Why being curious about and friendly towards ourselves is critical to healing.

  • What we can do to heal

    and so much more …


Ralf Marzen is a clinical psychologist and trauma therapist with over 20 years experience of working with individuals and groups.

He is the founder of Embodied Trauma Healing and teaches workshops and seminars internationally.

He is a NARM teacher, and trained in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP).

Ralf is also the director of Mudita School of Thai Yoga Massage as well as StillPoint Center for WellBeing in London/UK.

Website: https://www.embodied-trauma-healing.com


 Ralf’s Free Gift

Free embodiment meditation
(Please note: You can access the meditation at the bottom of his website, via the button below)