Rebecca Amis Lawson

Engaging Fluid Intelligence for Presence and Connection

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • Why awakening fluid intelligence is important for somatically knowing oneself and connecting to life.

  • How you can listen to and sense your fluid movements.

  • Practices to enliven the body’s fluids and increase sensory awareness.

  • Some of the biggest benefits people receive from Fluid Inquiry.

  • How you can work & connect with Rebecca.

  • Rebecca will be offering powerful & potent guided practices throughout her talk and end with a guided sounding moving fluid inquiry

    and so much more …


Rebecca Amis Lawson, MA, R-DMT, RSME/T, is a Continuum Teacher, founding member of the Continuum Teachers Association, mentor, therapist, and group facilitator with 42 years of extensive studies in dance, psychology, somatic trainings, and exploratory consciousness. She was a professional dance performer and teacher for 25 years. She taught at various colleges and dance schools in NYC and NC; and was the sole choreographer and artistic director of her own company. She has extensive training in body alignment, Ideokinesiology, authentic movement, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, connective tissue massage, and tracking somatic movement to support emotional and psychological inquiry. In her private practice, she incorporates movement, sound, breath, and experiential processes to facilitate the creative process. With individuals and groups, she has been able to coalesce psychological mindedness, a love of dance, and a heartfelt sense of humanity to open processes that are revelatory, expressive, and creative. She teaches workshops Internationally in Continuum and Exploratory Consciousness.



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