Ryel Kestano

The Transformational Practice of Authentic Relating

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • What Authentic Relating is and how this practice came about.

  • How Ryel became involved.

  • Five important steps in Authentic Relating practices & courses.

  • How people feel after doing a course or workshop.

  • The role of the body in relating authentically

    and so much more …


Ryel Kestano is the co-founder, CEO, and Senior Course Leader at ART International, and is the lead designer of ART’s courses and programs. Ryel has delivered over a thousand training sessions in dozens of countries all around the globe over the course of his ten years at the forefront of the rapidly expanding authentic relating movement and community.

Ryel has led ART to become the predominant authentic relating training company in the world, and regularly appears at conferences, festivals, and on podcasts. He is also the co-founder of The Realness Project, dedicated to bringing authentic relating training to prison inmates. Prior to co-founding ART International, Ryel was the co-founder and visionary behind Virtuance, one of the world’s largest providers of real estate photography, and the co-founder and visionary behind Pink Mammoth, a creative arts collective and Burning Man camp based in San Francisco.

Ryel is an avid pilot, rock climber, long-distance hiker, father to four children, and author of The Ultralight Backpacker, the definitive guide to ultralight backpacking.

Website: https://authenticrelating.co/