Susan Harper

Free the Tail - Free the Mind

Susan’s interview is no longer available.

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During this interview, you will learn & experience:

  • Susan will guide us on a powerful in-depth movement journey where the act of perceiving becomes a creative art.

  • What it means to inquire perceptually and somatically through movement.

  • How we can open beyond our habitual movements and move into live curious engagement.

  • Practices that can help us shift our ways of perceiving and connect us to our deeper intelligence.

  • What happens when you discover something new about yourself.

  • How we can be at home and belong in the more than human world.

  • How you can work & connect with Susan.

  • Susan will be offering perceptual practices throughout her talk and
    end with a guided powerful sensuous movement journey to free the spine

    and so much more …


Susan Harper is one of the developers of Continuum, which was originated by Emilie Conrad. She is an inspired teacher of perceptual and movement inquiry, a heart-soul-counselor, who opens portals of embodied exploratory consciousness. Susan is the founder of Continuum Montage, and developer of Body of Relating, Portals of Perception, and Living Dreams Seminars, teaching internationally since 1975. Her students call her a moving storyteller, a dream weaver, one who opens portals into the space of creativity. Fresh heart-based perceiving and moving instantly affects how we relate, and our fundamental sense of belonging. The practices open vital new ways of perceiving, creative imagination, and a deep capacity for presence, resonance, and love. Susan has co-created with Emilie Conrad, Hubert Godard, Lama Drimed, Chris Price, Peter Levine and Michael Molin-Skelton.

Website (including a film of Susan’s work):


 Susan’s Free Gift

A Guided Meditation for Deep Rest and Aware Affectionate Breathing.
This meditation can be done lying down or in a seated position.